Different Ways to Make Your Own Coffee at Home

Make Your Own Coffee at Home

 Different Ways to Make Your Own Coffee at Home

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Pan roast

You’re used to cooking meals in a skillet, so this method feels natural to you. To get it just right, though, might be tricky. The first few times you go through the process, you might not get a consistent roast. But don’t worry; we are here to help. Depending on how thoroughly you want your beans roasted, the roasting process will last 5 to 10 minutes.

In the oven

Another quick option is to roast your beans in the oven, but you’ll need to stir and monitor them often. This method’s advantage is that it produces evenly roasted food in about 5 to 10 minutes.Similar to the stove method, the steps are virtually the same. Half a cup of green coffee beans should be equally distributed on a baking sheet as your oven is preheated to 500 degrees Fahrenheit. Every one to two minutes, stir while keeping an eye out for colour changes and paying close attention for the first and second cracks. Follow steps five through seven above after taking the food out of the oven.

popcorn popper

Our third technique—using a vintage popcorn popper—might be a little more surprising. Also taking five to ten minutes is this approach. Make sure you purchase the appropriate popper. The stirring devices that are built into good poppers will make roasting consistently much simpler.Here are the essentials, but we’ve created a whole guide on roasting coffee in a popcorn maker.Put your popcorn popper on the burner with half a cup of green coffee and set it to medium heat. Stir continually while paying close attention for the first and second cracks using the stirring mechanism. Follow steps five through seven above after removing from heat.

Essentials for Home Coffee Roasting

You need to have a basic understanding of coffee before you embark on your home roasting adventure. These five facts will provide you more insight into what you’re about to undertake. After that, we’ll get into the specific instructions.


You must have access to ventilation in the space where you are roasting. Use the oven fan if there is one, or leave a window open. During the roasting process, there will be some smoke, and arranging ventilation in advance makes dealing with it simple.


The byproduct of roasting coffee is known as chaff. It can be messy and is the dry husk of the coffee bean. Take your beans outside or over the sink to chill them in the colander or bowl to avoid a mess. Simply give the beans in your colander a little more of a shake if you are having trouble getting the chaff out. Most of it will fall off on its own when there is a lot of movement.


When the beans have cooled, keep them out of heat and light in an airtight container. Your beans will stay fresh this manner for up to a month. The first week after roasting is when they will be at their freshest, so don’t wait too long.

4.Roast level

Observe how the beans change in colour and develop cracks as they roast. They will initially turn green, then yellow, light brown, golden brown, and finally dark brown. The cracks the beans make will also be audible and seen. They initially crack when they transition from light brown to golden brown. If you want a light roast, remove them from the fire at this point; if you want a medium roast, wait an additional minute.

Drip Coffee

Drip coffee is one of the most common and easy ways to make coffee at home, using a coffee maker or a pour-over device. Drip coffee is made by pouring hot water over ground coffee beans, and letting the brewed coffee drip into a pot or a cup. Here are the steps to make drip coffee at home:

French Press

French press is another popular and easy way to make coffee at home, using a device called a French press or a cafetière. French press is made by steeping ground coffee beans in hot water, and then pressing down a plunger to separate the brewed coffee from the grounds. Here are the steps to make French press coffee at home:


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