Drug Abuse

drug abuse

Drug abuse

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A medical illness called substance use disorder involves obsessive drug usage. When substance use makes it difficult to carry out daily tasks, it develops. Both prescription and over-the-counter medications may cause it. The word “drug abuse” was historically used by medical experts to refer to substance use disorder. Addiction is a another name for a substance use disorder. Contrasted with reliance, this.

Risk factor

Anyone can become addicted to or misuse substances. But there are several factors that can make it more likely for someone to acquire a substance use disorder. Genetics are a major factor in addiction, as they are with many other diseases. According to research, 40 to 60 percent of a person’s propensity to develop a substance use disorder may be attributed to genetic factors.

The following are additional risk factors for developing substance abuse problems:

•Sexual, mental, or physical abuse

•Experiencing trauma

•Family members or friends who abuse or use drugs

•Availability of these substances

•Mental health conditions like:



•Eating problems.

•Personality dysfunction.

•Young age of substance use.


Substance use disorders are treatable medically. Programs should adhere to the following principles for treating addiction:

•Addiction is a difficult-to-treat medical disease.

•No single treatment is effective for everyone.

•There is no shortage of treatment.

•Treatment focuses on your multiple needs.

•Your mental health is treated during treatment. Your treatment is continually assessed to make sure it is meeting your needs.

•It’s essential to stay in treatment for a sufficient period of time. Treatment, whether voluntary or forced, can be successful.

•As relapses can and do occur, potential substance usage is monitored during therapy.

While offering risk-education counselling, treatment programs should also screen and assess for infectious diseases. This gives you the ability to take charge of your health and prevent the acquisition or transmission of infectious diseases.


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