Easy Coffee Soap Recipe

easy coffee soap

Easy Coffee Soap Recipe

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1-pound soap base

a quarter cup of coffee grinds

12 tsp of coffee essential oil and 3 tsp of vanilla extract


•Beverage maker

•Razor blade

•Rub alcohol with



•Soap fungus

•Security lenses

•Protective gloves


Prepare your soap mold

Preparing the soap mould is the first stage in making coffee soap. In order to prevent any impurities from getting into the soap, you must first clean it with dish soap and rubbing alcohol.

Prepare the Soap Base

Prepare your soap foundation by cutting it into 12- to 1-inch cubes as your silicone soap mould dries. Any knife that is sufficiently sharp can be used, but a soap knife works best and is the safest choice. Wearing your safety gear is crucial while making these cuts.

Melt the soap base

It’s time to melt the soap base now that it has been chopped into cubes. For ease of pouring when you’re done, we advise putting it in a sizable glass measuring cup. Heat the measuring cup in the microwave for 30 seconds on high. Repeat the process of stirring with a spatula until the soap base is a thick liquid.

Add essential oils and extract

Add the vanilla extract and essential oils as soon as the base is still soft. Use the spatula to mix everything up until it’s thoroughly combined.

 Add the ground coffee.

As soon as the oils have been properly combined, you must move fast to incorporate the coffee grounds because the soap base will begin to cool and solidify. Rub alcohol can be sprayed on bubbles to get rid of them if you can’t get rid of them. Add your essential oils and vanilla extract right away while the base is still soft. Use the spatula to mix everything up until it’s thoroughly combined.

Pour the soap into the mould

Pour the soap into the mould as soon as you’ve removed the majority of the air bubbles, then wait for it to cool. Before removing it, we advise letting it rest in the mould for at least two hours at room temperature. It would be wise to let it sit for an additional hour or two on a warm summer day.


You can remove your soap and start using it once it has cooled.



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