Filtru Coffee

Flitru coffee

Filtru Coffee

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Another multi-pour recipe from Filtru is this one. Although it is a little challenging, the end result is a deliciously vibrant cup. With an acidic mild roast, in our opinion, this recipe works best. The acidity is considerably enhanced and a nuanced bean is brought to its best by multiple pours.


Contains 25 g of coffee

water, 340 g


•The water to 94 degrees Celsius

Coffee should be ground to a medium-fineness.

50 g of water for a bloom

Stir the ground to make sure it’s evenly moist.

pause for 30 seconds

Add an additional 130 g of water.

Hold off until the water has fully drained.

Add a further 160 g of water gradually.…or-pepper-plants/

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