Kopi Telur (Padang-Style Egg Coffee)

Kopi Telur Coffee

Kopi Telur (Padang-Style Egg Coffee)

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The custardy, caffeinated concoction known as kopi telur, which is traditionally produced by layering unfiltered coffee, foamed egg yolks, and sweetened condensed milk, is a favourite treat in Padang and is often consumed with a small snack. After a filling nasi padang lunch, it’s also an energising pick-me-up in restaurants. Locals prefer Sumatran coffee for this beverage, although any coffee with a rich, earthy flavour and low acidity is acceptable. With the feature Spice World, this recipe initially appeared in our March 2014 issue.


• 14 teaspoon honey

•1 egg yolk

•1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

•Sweetened condensed milk

• 1 tablespoon

•12 cup freshly made, strong coffee

•Energy from Chicory


In a large glass, combine the honey, vanilla extract, and egg yolk. 14 cup boiling water should be added gradually, then the mixture should be briskly whisked until entirely frothy. sweetened condensed milk into the foam’s core (it will sink to the bottom). Coffee should be poured through the milk-hole. Custard should be on the bottom, coffee should be in the middle, and froth should be on top of your coffee. Use a straw and stir as you sip if you’d like.


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