Types of Urinary incontinent

Uninary incontinent

Types of Urinary Incontinent

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You become incontinent when you can no longer control your bladder. You might occasionally totally empty your bladder. Other times, you might just notice a slight leaking. Depending on the aetiology, the condition could be short-lived or persistent.
There are four main categories used to describe urinary incontinence. It’s possible to encounter more than one type at once.
Urge to urinate
When you experience a sudden, overwhelming urge to urinate, you may experience urge incontinence, which is when your bladder becomes uncontrollable. You might not be able to get to the bathroom in time once the desire strikes.
Functional urination
Functional incontinence, in contrast to other forms of incontinence, is brought on by obstacles—physical or psychological—that could prohibit a person from reaching the restroom in time. This may be brought on by neurological problems like a stroke or spinal cord damage, cognitive problems like dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, or muscle problems like arthritis.
Overflowing urination
If you don’t completely empty your bladder when you urinate, overflow incontinence may result. Later, your bladder could leak some of the remaining urine. Some people refer to this incontinence as “dribbling.”
Stress urination
Specific physical activities can result in stress incontinence.
For instance, you might become unable to control your bladder if you:
The sphincter muscle that keeps urine in your bladder is strained by such activities. The muscle may leak urine as a result of the additional stress.


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