How to quit weed cold turkey

how to quit weed cold turkey.

How To Stop Smoking Weeds

Motivational enhancement treatment is one of the other forms of therapies (MET). Invoking motivational phrases associated with addiction is how this talking therapy functions. It seeks to increase someone’s motivation to stop using drugs.

In order to successfully kick the habit, these talking therapies “show promise,” according to a 2007 study titled Marijuana Dependence and Its Treatment.

What Happens When You Quit Smoking Weed?

There will be withdrawal symptoms if you stop using marijuana abruptly, which can be challenging to get over.
The University of Florida’s Barry Setlow, a professor and co-chief of the research department of psychiatry, told Newsweek that if a person quits abruptly, their bodies and brains will have less CB1 receptors than usual.

Other neurotransmitters in the brain are under the influence of CB1 receptors, also referred to as “cannabinoid” receptors. They function to control pain, hunger, and mood ” Since CB1 receptors are crucial for controlling mood, sleep, memory, and a variety of other activities, having a lower-than-normal number of them causes havoc on those processes, thus generating many of the withdrawal symptoms linked to quitting chronic marijuana usage.”
Within the first three days after stopping, stomach pain and vomiting are common withdrawal symptoms.How to quit weed cold turkey?

Ten days after quitting, symptoms will start to peak. Depression and other psychological side effects could get worse. After going cold turkey for 10 to 20 days, they should start to fade.

How to quit weed cold turkey

How to Stop Smoking Weed

 Try to picture how your life would be better without the cannabis addiction and compulsion, White said.How to Stop Smoking Weed, Consider the savings on money and the improvement in your ability to concentrate.
Cannabis consumption can have a wide range of negative effects. For instance, research indicates that excessive marijuana use can cause IQ reduction that is permanent. This is due to the drug’s targeting of regions of the brain that are in executive function and recall.

“Cannabis dependence can lead to serious issues, especially for young individuals. In their formative years, it is frequently the first illicit substance that young people will use “explained Hamilton. “The good news is that any detrimental cognitive effects are reversed when the user stops using cannabis, which might lead to underperformance in education at a crucial time for young people. Unfortunately, this may still prevent some young people from reaching their full potential or at the very least, it may put them behind their classmates.”

Weed and Anxiety

Regular marijuana users frequently utilise the drug to manage their anxiety or other mental health conditions. However, the relief that THC might produce is just momentary. As a result, users may start relying on the substance for relief, which can lead to addictions.
According to White, “people frequently use cannabis as a medication for anxiety, and when they try to stop, that underlying illness still exists.” “This makes quitting that much more difficult since you have to deal with both the withdrawal symptoms and the underlying problem.How to quit weed cold turkey, It can be beneficial to seek counselling to manage the underlying anxiety and, if necessary, to take an anti-anxiety medication like buspirone.”

“Have your loved ones by your side to help you overcome the hardest cravings. It is acceptable to ask your clinician whether you require medication therapy to get through the most severe symptoms “said White.
One of the “most hardest but crucial things to do” when trying to quit, according to Hamilton, is asking for assistance.
“We are aware that those who seek out specialised care have a higher chance of success. However, the issue is that a lot of people choose not to seek out specialised therapy because they mistakenly believe that these services are just for those who are dependent on harsh narcotics like heroin “said Hamilton.

Don’t give up

Experts advised folks who are trying to quit not to view relapse as a failure. “Quitting can be extremely difficult, and many people will need to attempt several times before they succeed. So, even if you previously failed, keep trying,” White said.
Relapses are frequent because quitting abruptly might be a particularly tough method to break the habit.

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